Disney wedding shoes painted with Beauty and the Beast characters
Hand Painted Disney Beauty and the Best Wedding Shoes
When I was younger and testing my arty skills I adorned my walls with Disney characters as well as a few other much loved animated characters (Beavis and Butthead, Sylvester the Cat, Homer and Bart Simpson etc). I suppose I had some practice in drawing Disney characters from years ago which made the design of these particularly special wedding shoes for a bride getting married at Disney World a little easier but obviously on a much smaller scale!
Hand Painted Disney Beauty and the Beast Personalized Bridal Shoes
I have painted a pair of Beauty and the Beast themed bridal shoes before however can't share them just yet as the bridal couple wanted to keep them underwraps until their big day this summer. This pair of of customised Disney wedding shoes have literally taken over my life the last month. It started with the design and painting and then sort of escalated when I sent them all finished, painted and beautiful to the bride. She was so thrilled with them she shared them on a large global Facebook group called 'Disney World Junkies'. And all of a sudden - BAM - my inbox started to fill up with enquiries and I'm wondering what on earth is going on until the penny drops..... the post went viral. Well, sort of viral because I have no idea what sort of numbers constitutes viral.
These gorgeous wedding shoes with Disney's Miss Potts, Chip and Lumiere painted in soft dusky pink hearts have been liked 3000 times (and counting!) with thousands of comments and what feels like a million enquiries.
I can't wait to the share the other Beauty and the Beast Disney wedding shoes I painted for this summer and fingers crossed they have the same success!
Hand Painted Disney Beauty and the Beast personalised Brides Shoes
Mrs Potts, Chip and Lumiere hand painted wedding shoes
Beauty and the Beast Disney Wedding Shoes
Disney hearts customised bridal shoes
Disney themed wedding shoes with the Disney castle, Mrs. Potts, Chip and Lumiere characters