Hand painted wedding Toms with pink butterflies and hearts
What on earth do you get your other half as a surprise for the big day? I know it's something I'm struggling with as I plan our wedding for net year. Well, I had an enquiry not so long ago from a groom who had the best idea. He asked if I could hand painted a pair of wedding Toms for his future wife as a little surprise for their wedding day. It was the best kind of enquiry as the groom was so sweet deciding on the designs and knew exactly what his fiancee would like.
We decided upon painting some pink butterflies on the brides Toms along with the usual scrolls and flicks as well as their names and the date of their wedding.
They are a perfect gift for a bride who knows they won't be able to entertain the idea of having to wear high heels all day long especially when it comes to party time at your reception. I know I'll be kicking off my heels way before the music starts!
Personalised wedding Toms painted with butterflies and pink hearts
Bridal Toms customized with pink butterflies and pink hearts.