As I write this on a rather cold Easter Sunday; unfortunately not surrounded by Easter Egg chocolate but instead sitting in a sea of paperwork, empty tea cups and a forever growing 'to do' list I can't help but smile to myself because perhaps a blog is another tool for procrastinating but perhaps it could be the start of a beautiful friendship.
A smiley me.
I do intend to beguile you all with tales of art, shoes, weddings, beautiful brides and perhaps a more personal look into the arty life of me. I also intend to welcome all, invite brides to show me their shoes whether they would like them painted or not AND inspire.
But first the rules......... Well, just one rather important one really: be nice with your comments or I'll simply delete them. No trolling, people! (I think that's what the kids are calling cyber-bullying now-a-days), please correct me if I am wrong.